Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Things we need to make sure happens. Includes: characters, location, lighting, script ect.
With filming our two minute video we need to think about how the lighting will effect our video for example if we where using natural light from outside, we cannot do it if its dark one day, and light the next, so making sure we have filmed around the right time of day. the same goes for inside if we are where to be using a light source inside, the lighting will be changed if we where to move around. however, we are not filming inside, so we do not have the following problems or different types of lighting to look out for:
Background lighting
Cameo lighting
Fill light
Flood lighting
High-key lighting
Key Lighting
Lens flare
Low-key lighting
Mood lighting
Rembrandt lighting
Stage lighting
Soft lighting
We have decided to do this in John Cabot Academy, a sixth form/secondary school surrounded by good scenery and building which will make it easier to understand that these girls are from that school.
around the area we are using the following locations on the premises:
Car Park
Outside of the school
School steps
Around the boarder of school
Entrance way
We now have decided characters, names, props, costume, and script to play over the voice over. We have based all of these around the stereotypes each character has; Goth, Posh Totty, Nerd, Chav.
Following names, Characters, Costumes and Script over lines:
Goth: Bree (Played by Natasha Jade Stowell(me))
Dressed in all black, including black... shirt, heels, leggings, top, hair and make-up. I have a flesh hole, and smokes. to go with her edgy look.
acts with attitude and looks with dirty looks.
Voice over script for Bree (for editing)
GOTH: *Bree* a Kick ass teenager covered in black, who is as fiery as the smokes she breathes, The safe to say she’s not on the safe side.
Posh Totty: Britney (Played by Jade Delaney)
Dressed in short outfits; short skirt, heels, vest top, and a denim shirt. she has her extras, which are a few boys that walks past her, and this really says alot about her character, especially when these extras suit so well in the scene.
Voice over script for Britney (for editing)
Posh Totty: * Britney* the prettiest girl in school, she has everything she ever wanted and she can be easily distracted when… oh… well you get the drift.
(that ...pause was to suit the video already been filmed)
Nerd: Iris (Played by Parys Gardener)
dressed in a smart woolly vest, with a short skirt, and long socks and carries around alot of books as her prop. she barley wears any make-up, this suits the character in the way that they are smart enough to know they don't need make-up on there face.
Voice over script for Iris (for editing)
NERD: *Iris* the awkward one, the quiet one… yet the brainiest of them all, her IQ is as larger as her school work, which says alot when she has joined every after school club, including chess and maths club. so yes, shes unsociable yet surprisingly intelligent
Chav: Mercedes (Played by Connor Murray)
Dressed in Adidas track top, shorts, knee high football socks, with Gold hoop earrings, red lipstick and black trainers.
acts with attitude, and confidence.
Voice over script for Mercedes (for editing)
CHAV: *Mercedes* Her English is as bad as her attendance, she speaks like shes from a different planet, but all of us four together, aren’t so different after all.
Basic outline of new plot.
It begins with, Bree, smoking a cigarette in a mid-shot opening, stubbing out fag, as a tilt down, to a close up of Bree stubbing it out. it then cuts to Britney chatting up some boy, in a group shot, as another boy walks past, and Britney checks him out too, giving alot of detail on the characters so far. It then cuts to iris, falling over and dropping her books all over the floor, showing emotion, yet intelligence by touching her glasses. It the cuts to Mercedes stealing some guys hat and throwing it back in his face, which is when both Mercedes and Britney both meet up, and walk together, as do Iris and Bree, they soon collide, and when the get to the top of the stairs, we all laugh, showing that we are friends.
Location Shoot
LOCATION: John Cabot Academy
- A sixth form/secondary school, which is perfect for our shoot place, as there's students and extras we can use in our film.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Quick Planning

When we were on a quick brainstorm, we thought we jot down our ideas on how we will accomplish and see how are 2 minute film will go.
we thought we first start off with an over a shoulder shot of someone opening a book, full of photos and opening credits...
it then gets to a picture of the school outside, it then zooms in then the next scene cuts to outside of John Cabot Academy.
It then cuts to me stomping on a fag, and a tilt shot of my outrageous outfit of a goth. I then cut to me walking away, and the next shot cuts to jade (posh Totty) pulling in to a car, and with her boyfriend driving, and swooning at her, me and jade join up, and walk past Parys (Nerd) on the floor, picking up her book, and quickly catching up to us.
The scene carries on and cuts to Connor (Chav) stealing some kids hat, and they both meet up and join at the top of the stairs.
Target Audience Survey Female: Shakira Rawlins

With this information, we have made sure that when we get to making the first 2 minutes of the film, that we have a good beginning and made sure that we got to have lovable characters, by having this, we need to create a new mind map on what we need to have in our story line to make it interesting for the viewers and create a window of story, so it can lead to suspense, so the audience will want more.
And because she is the target range and gender for our audience, we know that her opinions counts, to help us achieve a good opening, and to make the film successful.
Target Audience Survey Male : Liam Conlon
For my target audience i asked Liam Conlon.
To give his opinion on chick flicks, and what Genre he likes. we have decided to use Liam Conlon as one of our target audience because he is near the age range of our target audience for our film, and some male population may be interested in chick flicks, or comedy's which we are trying to achieve in our film.
He Likes chick flicks such as mean Girls and the film Notebook. However he is more interested in comedies and thrillers such as Mission Impossible and The Hangover. we asked if he would be willing to watch a chick flick if he saw it in the cinema, and he answered ''I would watch it if it has a good plot, so its not just for women and teenage girls, but can be suitable and fun to watch for a mans point of view''. With this information, we decided that in the first two minutes, even though its more pointed to the female genders we could put a comedic aspect towards it, gaining more of the public, both male and female genders.
Project Management
With this chart, i can now follow to an exact time plan and figure out what my next step is, and how i am going to achieve this in my time management.
Our Stereotypical Characters for Our film
GOTH: An Black haired, black clothed, stereo typically known for being depressing, sad, and listens to heavy metal music. The costume will probably be everything black, heavy make-up, however we are putting a twist to it, so instead of having all black, and all depressing, we will dress her up as the head of the GOTHS, meaning that she will stand out more than the others, so we will make her attractive, yet Gothic. However we will no take the stereotype straight out, we will still carry on the fact that she is represented as a goth. I will play the costume well, as i have black hair, and have been called an 'emo' on various of occasions, showing that i have the look right.
NERD: An Outcast, wears glasses, and is very smart, stereo typically known as the one who gets bullied alot, has a high IQ and dresses in tucked up clothing. We are going to have her costume being tucked up school shirt, skirt, knee high socks or ankle biter trousers, and glasses. ParysGardener(http://asfoundationportfolioparysgardener1.blogspot.com) will be perfect for the role, as that she already wears glasses, and that she is a shy person, which allows her to play the role as accurate as possible.
CHAV: An mouthy, loud, confident, Tracksuit wearing person, who isn't really known for there smarts, or for there fashion trends. We will dress Connor Murray (http://asfoundationportfolioconnorlmurray.blogspot.com) up in tracksuits, with loads of jewellery on, or the slang term 'Bling' with her hair up, maybe braided so she looks the part. she will also fit the part well because she is a confident young lady, making the CHAV stereotype accurate, and easy to play her part well.

POSH TOTTY: Definition of Posh totty: ''Male or female totty whose poshness is an essential part of the appeal e.g. well educated; mellifluous voice; charming classy manners; sophisticated conversation; expensive clothes; trendy address, etc.'' In other words, a woman, dressed sophisticated, Is smart, however in this case, she is also going to be slutty aswell, using her good looks, smartness, and poshness to her advantage. The character from st Trinian's , posh totty, has same similar looks as jade delaney , which can relate back to our character in our film. (http://asfoundationportfoliojadedelaney.blogspot.com/)
Different Types of Chick Flick: St Trinians
This famous Chick Flick is based on teenage school children, who causes chaos and mischief to there teachers, students and anyone who gets in there way. This film brings out all different stereotypes, and this school was about bringing them in all together, you got your Goths, Chavs, Emos, Posh Totty's, Nerds, and First Years.
Until this New Girl, played by Talulah Riley, who is related to the head mistress, and gradually gets changed into each stereo types.
This film is most loved by the target audience of teenage or young women aged between, 12-18, however with the film being started since 1957, the range of target audiences have been growing, and with the story line, and star cast list of the film, has been a successful movie.
And that's why, our group have chosen to do our film based and influenced on the this particular film, especially because my group are all teenagers, we all go to school, and we all have a different stereotype, This would be easier as in for casting, and plots, and with the right planning, we can accomplish an successful chick flick, especially when this one did so good, with the Box office and the publicity.
Budget | £7 million (US$11.4 million) |
Box office | $29,066,483 |
Different types of chick flick: P.S I LOVE YOU
Chick flick is a slang term for a film mainly dealing with love and romance designed to appeal to a female target audience. which is normally based around women, relationships, and emotions.
P.S I Love You, is about a woman, played by Hilary Swank, who is in deeply in love with her soul mate, and her husband who is played by Gerard Butler, who then tragically dies due to a brain tumor. He then leaves her little challenges, and tasks to do, to help her move on, and find her way without him, and always leaving the notes by saying... p.s I love you. This film is a emotional, heart-felt chick flick, which has been watched by women and teenagers. the Target audience is based for women, and with the budget and box office, this chick flick was a successful movie. You can tell it was successful with well known stars like; Lisa Kudrow, Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler, Jefferey Dean Morgan and chick-flick and romantic film Titanic's star Kathy Bates, made an all star cast to create such an successful film, and there are all shown in the trailer, along with intense music, romance, Irish music, and alot of story lines and plots involved.
Budget | $30 million |
Box office | $156,835,339 |
Different Types of Chick Flick: Wild Child
After watching the movie trailer for, Wild Child, we decided as a group, that we want to accomplish a 2 minute beginning of a chick flick.
With this chick flick, it is more based for teenage girls, and that the story line isn't so emotional or heartfelt, but more comedic and easy humor.
Wild Child is a film based on this stereotypical teenage american girl, getting up to no good, which then her father forces her to go to a boarding school in england. With the target audience for teenage girls aged between 13-18. However we would do it more like the chick flick film, St Trinians. We have decided to go with this because it will suit our group and resources. We feel that by doing a chick flick we can be successful at it because our group consists of 4 girls and we will be mainly based when filming at a secondary school. We have looked at St.Trinians as our inspiration on a film about 4 girls with completely different looks and personality that are rebellious and just fun characters to play, which will suit the target audiences. We would need to show this in the first 2 minutes of the film by using sound, editing, mise en scene.
However they didn't really do well in the box office, so it is to be considered, is humour and school-themed films really successful? only Making $21 million, when there budget was only $20 million.
With this chick flick, it is more based for teenage girls, and that the story line isn't so emotional or heartfelt, but more comedic and easy humor.
Wild Child is a film based on this stereotypical teenage american girl, getting up to no good, which then her father forces her to go to a boarding school in england. With the target audience for teenage girls aged between 13-18. However we would do it more like the chick flick film, St Trinians. We have decided to go with this because it will suit our group and resources. We feel that by doing a chick flick we can be successful at it because our group consists of 4 girls and we will be mainly based when filming at a secondary school. We have looked at St.Trinians as our inspiration on a film about 4 girls with completely different looks and personality that are rebellious and just fun characters to play, which will suit the target audiences. We would need to show this in the first 2 minutes of the film by using sound, editing, mise en scene.
However they didn't really do well in the box office, so it is to be considered, is humour and school-themed films really successful? only Making $21 million, when there budget was only $20 million.
Budget | $20 million |
Box office | $21,972,336 |
Working on our 2minute clip as a team!
Today on the 20th of January 2012,
My group, which includes Jade, Parys, Connor And myself, discussed what our 2 minute clip will include, what genre we are choosing to make, and most important what our characters are going to be like!
This is us working, and writing a mind map, and discussing as team, what film we are going to make.
We researched on various Genres such as horror, comedy, chick flick, sci-fi ect, untilWe Then decided that our chosen genre of the film is chick flick. But we still needed to do more research on what we would have in the first 2 minutes, which gave us the idea on researching different chick-flicks such as:
My group, which includes Jade, Parys, Connor And myself, discussed what our 2 minute clip will include, what genre we are choosing to make, and most important what our characters are going to be like!
We researched on various Genres such as horror, comedy, chick flick, sci-fi ect, untilWe Then decided that our chosen genre of the film is chick flick. But we still needed to do more research on what we would have in the first 2 minutes, which gave us the idea on researching different chick-flicks such as:
- Mean girls
- Wild Child
- St Trinians
- She's the Man
- The Notebook
- Dear John
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